
Education & Training

我們的培訓導師曾任教於不同的大學機構及商會,包括香港理工大學珠寶企業主管管理文憑課程 (該課程內容涵蓋了設計、品牌、營銷和管理),珠寶製造業商會舉辦的政府資助培訓計劃的珠寶設計及電子打金技術課程,香港浸會大學的古董首飾估值文憑課程,以及在許多國際會議、硏討會及公開講座擔任演講嘉賓。

Our instructors & lecturer have contracted in courses and seminars with universities & associations, i.e. Baptist University, Polytechnique University and HK Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association and International Jewelry Conference, Exhibition and Public Discussion Seminars.

鑽石和寶石分類 Diamond & Gemstone Sorting


Gemstone Sorting

綠柱石 Beryl
金綠玉 Chrysoberyl
剛玉 Corundum
鑽石 Diamond
長石 Feldspar
石榴石 Garnet
石英 Quartz
紅寶石 Ruby, Corundum
藍寶石 Sapphire
尖晶石 Spinel
鋰輝石 Spodumene
坦桑石 Tanzanite
電氣石 Tourmaline


Q&A: What is Professional Identification & Appraisal Consultation?

With 30+ years of Professional Identification & Appraisal experience, we are here to assist you with what you need and what you do not know. Immidiately contact if you are searching for the best consultation. 
